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If You Are Going Through The Breakup
Hi Everyone! Thank you for stopping by :-) Today I want to share my thoughts on how to go through the breakup. It can be very painful but...
My Best Advice - Focus On Yourself!
Hi Everyone! I am very happy that you stopped by my blog-post about focusing on yourself! I hope a lot of people will get benefit out of...
Do Not Try Too Hard
How much efforts are you ready to put in order to be heard? I was watching the movie about yogi the other day. And in this movie I saw...
Smart Investment
There are some universal rules that work for everybody, no matter who you are, where you came from, what are your beliefs. And it is...
Mind Versus God
Today I want to share some thoughts about the mind, how it works and how to use it. My own mind is the reason of my suffering. And the...
Just Another Good Day
Yesterday I left my home at 6:20 AM. It was raining, sky was all gray, just one solid color. I don't believe in good or bad weather, I...
The Fear Of Being Hurt
Sometimes I feel emotionally uncomfortable. What do I mean by that? I mean that multiple chaotic thoughts are attacking my brain, I have...
Get Ready For St. Valentine's Day!
February 14th is coming, couples are getting ready to celebrate! Billions of dollars are spent each year on gifts and cards in US. It is...
Creating A Peace Within Yourself
What can be better than a peaceful living? When you are calm and nothing really bothers you. When you are full of this wonderful feeling...
I haven’t been posting anything in a while. Today I want to share some thoughts. Usually I make some researches before I publish my...
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