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Find The Power Within

"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment." - Lao Tzu.

Why do we harm ourselves chasing short-term pleasures which are causing us a lot of troubles in future? Is there anything that can help us to avoid addictions and clinging? These are the questions which are very important to me. I tried to find the answers, so I can have a better life and in this article I want to share what really helped me to overcome my addiction and to learn how to love unconditionally.

Most of us are traumatized one way or another. We don't love ourselves and we want to escape ourselves and our thoughts. And this is how we get into wrong relationships, get addicted to different things that can help us to forget about the emptiness that we have inside. And this emptiness is coming from not being able to accept ourselves the way we are, from being afraid of our own thoughts where we blaming ourselves for not being good enough. The stories that our brain creates most of the times are much worse than reality and these stories are always within us...

I came to US by myself, and I had to spend a lot of time alone. I didn't have a choice. It was not pleasant at all. I was desperately trying to find a place where I can get rid of my bad thoughts. I am lucky that alcohol doesn't give me enough pleasure to use it abusively and I am too scared to try any type of drugs, otherwise I'd become addicted to them because of my loneliness. But I had my own "drug" - oxytocin - the hormone of love! I wanted to be in relationships so bad!

When I met a man that I really liked I became obsessed with him. It was my way to escape myself. It was my addiction. And when you are in relationships just because you want to fill in the emptiness inside usually it doesn't work well, because you become too focused on your own pain and don't care too much about other person and his feelings. Besides as any addicted person you start to experience the feeling of deep shame that makes you very stressed and depressed. This addiction could give me some temporary pleasure but in the long run it only hurt me even more.

I ended up in experiencing so much pain that I reached my limits. I couldn't continue to live with this need of escaping myself anymore. I was lucky to find the course about happiness online - A Life Of Happiness And Fulfillment. And in this course professor was talking about finding the source within. It's interesting that I have never thought of that before. I always was trying to find happiness somewhere outside. Thinking that you can find the answer in some external form creates the problems. When I realized it, I started my journey of finding myself and getting this wonderful source of positive energy within me. I am still learning, but I am very happy with the progress that I've made so far. I feel much more independent and I feel that now I can love unconditionally!

I understood one thing very clearly: if you don't accept yourself - you will never be happy. If you don't accept yourself - you will waste too much time on escaping yourself and most likely you will get some type of addiction which gives you short term relief but can destroy your life in the long run. If you don't love yourself - you cannot love another person unconditionally. And there is nothing more beautiful and satisfying as unconditional love from my point of view!

I think that self-love and self-acceptance are extremely important. If you want to have a happy life and make a difference you must learn how to love yourself, how to stay with yourself one on one, how to accept your thoughts with no judgement.

Everyone has a potential, a unique gift. Find this power within yourself and use it! You have to love your life, you have to trust it! And this is your choice to believe in yourself or not. Make this choice today and change your life for the best! And please remember: a thought is just a thought! Be Strong And Love Yourself!


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Chicago, IL, USA


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