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Am I Doing It Right?

Am I doing it right? Have you ever asked yourself this question? I think it can be useful to look at your life, at the circumstances you are in, and analyze the situation. But there is the other side of the coin - how do you know what is right and what is wrong?

Life is such a mystery! Who am I? Why am I here? What am I supposed to do? How can I bring value? So many questions... And if you are lucky and were able to find your purpose, sometimes you have no idea how to implement your plan. I do believe in actions. You cannot just wish for something and wait for it to happen. If you want something, you need to get up and work, work, work, and of course you should not hurt others while you are doing that. And this is a very simple truth.

But recently I realized that I stuck with the feeling of not knowing what I need. I know what I want, but is it really what I need? We all have desires, but a lot of times they are coming from our subconscious part of the brain, they are just coded by our environment, experiences, natural selection or genes, for example. But it doesn't mean that if we want something, we really need it. Our desires often bring us suffering. Dissatisfaction is a huge problem of humanity. Nobody can get everything he wants. There is no person in this world who has never faced the failure. You cannot win all the time. But there are people who are able to handle difficulties and there are people who see themselves as victims.

So how to do it right? How to solve your problems? How to reduce level of your dissatisfaction? Believe me, I was thinking about it a lot! And thanks God one day I realized that the best way to improve your life is to LET THINGS GO! And when I say thanks God I really mean it. Whatever happened to me in life was a gift. The events I thought were negative, most of the times turned out to be beneficial. Life protects me and I only get hurt when I try to resist whatever is given. This resistance creates all the dissatisfaction.

When unpleasant event takes place it's just Life is trying to tell you the following: "It was just a lesson, I wanted you to have this experience so you can become wiser and stronger. It's time to let it go now and move on, I prepared something much better for you, embrace the possibilities, TRUST ME"! But no, instead of relaxing we listen to our ego, which gets so scared that pushes us hard to even more frustration and confusion. The more effort you put trying to solve unsolvable problem, the more pain you get.

We think too much of ourselves. We think that we have control over everything. Ha! Well guess what? We don't. And once you understand it, you will be freed. I feel like the only thing I can control (and I put a lot of efforts to do that and sometimes I fail) is the way I look at things. Think about it - can you control your health? You can eat healthy, work out, live in a certain area with fresh air but where is the guarantee that you won't get cancer? Or that you don't have something in your genes that will arise at some point? Or you won't get some type of infection? Car accident? I am not trying to scare you here, I am just saying that you cannot control your own health at 100%. You cannot control other people, even your own kids, you can't control weather or political situation. And so many other things. Even our own thoughts are most of the times uncontrollable. How crazy is that? And it doesn't mean that you shouldn't take care of yourself. Please don't get me wrong. I strongly believe that every day we should be the best version of ourselves, we must be grateful for whatever is given to us and we MUST USE OUR POTENTIAL. But at the same time it is very important to remember that there is some greater intelligence out there, which knows better what is good for you. We are just humans. What do we know? Really, what? How can we judge the event if it is good or bad? How can we know that if something happened there was no meaning to it, no benefit?

I want to share this idea because it helped me a lot! I am so thankful that Universe sent this information to my brain! In the moment of suffering, when you feel pain, when you are upset and scared, just surrender and let it go! Don't judge the event! Accept the fact that you are just a human being. If you don't know what is right, if you stuck, just let life solve the problem for you. I think that we just should try our best not to hurt anybody. And we should work hard on using our potential. That's quite enough! There are so many things that we take for granted! And we get upset because of something so meaningless! So stupid!

If you ask yourself this question "Am I doing it right", sooner or later LIFE will give you the answer. It will help you out. Just have a faith, be grateful, accept the fact that you cannot control most of the things. For God's sake love your life and trust it! This intelligence which created us knows so much more than we do! And it is kind and loving. If you open your heart to gratefulness, you will see that your life helps you, it tells you when something is wrong and you only get hurt when you resist to accept the challenges and when you are listening to your scared ego instead of listening to your inner self.

If you look at your life as at the endless chain of opportunities and if you are willing to take chances that life gives to you with trust, then you are doing it right!

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha with love! :)


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