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Do Not Try Too Hard

How much efforts are you ready to put in order to be heard?

I was watching the movie about yogi the other day. And in this movie I saw episode about Mirin Dajo, a man who could pierce his body with different dangerous objects. You can google him if you are interested, there are pictures and videos on Internet. I found it a little bit unpleasant to watch so didn't want to add link to my post. Mirin Dajo claimed that God was using him, through his invulnerability, to show people the real values in life. By performing these brutal actions he tried to bring the message of peace, he wanted people to be less focused on materialistic world. And I think it is a beautiful message, but he put so much efforts to bring it. When I read article about Mirin Dajo I thought that he wanted to be heard so much that was okay with putting his own life on the line...

These are just my thoughts, I might be wrong. But I got this idea that all people are doing the same thing just not in such an extreme way as Mirin Dajo did. Don't we? We insert the sabers of fear and anger in our bodies the same way as he was piercing himself with real sword. Mirin Dajo's example is just too literal, his story shows us how we crucify ourselves just for the sake of getting listeners or followers, finding someone who can share our ideas, who can approve our way of thinking, so we won't feel lonely and unaccepted.

Think of how many times did you argue with someone trying to prove your point? How many times did you create action plans of how you'd get somebody's attention? Do you care about likes on your social media profile? Do you want to get the acceptance from the people you value?

I believe that we want to share our thoughts and ideas and we want to be heard by other people, we want some kind of prove of our existence, of our purpose. We want to be sure that we are worthy and that we do something meaningful. And sometimes by trying to be heard we hurt ourselves. Like Mirin Dajo was piercing himself with real object we do it metaphorically. We pierce ourselves with negative thoughts, and we even pierce each other with our words and actions, just because we want to be heard, we want to get people's attention.

From my point of view even if you have a beautiful message there is no reason to torture yourself or others. There is always a way to share your ideas in a peaceful manner. And if someone wants to listen, he will. You don't need to try hard to get people's attention. Even if you want to bring to this world kind ideas it doesn't mean that you need to do it at all costs, that you should suffer or hurt others. A lot of times we think that if we want to bring more love and compassion, it can be an excuse for unhealthy actions. But if we do something harmful it means we are doing it out of fear, not love. It means that we don't have a faith, that we don't believe in our truth.

Jesus said:

"For everything hidden is meant to be revealed, and everything concealed is meant to be brought to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

If you have nice intentions and they are coming from your soul, not from your ego, Universe will help you to be heard. It doesn't mean you should stop doing everything, you still need to invest time in your development, you need to evolve, to learn, but do not try too hard to prove your point, to be heard, to make people listen. Just be confident and believe in your truth. Life is meant to be a joy! Don't try to win and you'll win! Because Love Wins, always! Remember that!

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

PS: I haven't been posting anything for a while because I am working on a new project. Stay tuned! :)


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Chicago, IL, USA


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