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Me And Keto Diet

About three weeks ago I decided that I was too fat and that I needed to do something with my body. Most of all I was concerned about my cellulite. I started to work out more and stopped eating sweets and bread.

And last week I found out about Keto diet, which is based on low-carbonates idea. You basically eat fats and only 20% of proteins and 10% carbs. It means no grains, almost no fruits, not too much meat, limited amount of veggies and tons of cream, butter or oil type of food.

I would never try it if I didn't know two people who lost a lot by following these simple rules. So I decided to make an experiment with my body!

First it was fun! I love heavy whipped cream, I love cheese and sour cream so what's not to like? But then I faced some difficulties. First of all, I kept eating too much carbs. Even after I stopped consuming fruits and whole grains I still had a high number of carbs in my meal just because of some really small amount of veggies. I couldn't even add onions to my omelet! Onions!!!

At some point I started to feel tired. And I also noticed that because I couldn't get the right proportion of elements, I was getting stressed. And on Day four of my diet for some reason I got depressed. I could hardly do something and I cried the whole day. I felt like I was under pressure. Everything was annoying. And I even saw dreams about restaurants and food!

This morning I woke up and got stressed again because I didn't know what to cook...

And you know what I did? I made an awesome oatmeal with banana!!! Yes!!! Grains and fruits!!! And I felt so good! Even cooking it brought smile to my face! And I was so happy when I put cherry tomato into my mouth!

Now I am back to normal! I am not going to continue this diet even if it helped someone else. I don't care! I still want to eat healthy and I think about Mediterranean diet, because it is mostly built of fruits and veggies that I love so much!

This blog post is not so much about a diet, but more about taking care of yourself. If you are doing something that makes you upset it is not worth your efforts. There is no point in diet if it makes you stressed and unhappy. Listen to yourself, to your inner voice and find something that is right for you. There are a lot of healthy options when you don't have to torture yourself and can enjoy every day of your life!

There is nothing as important as your peace, your joy!!!

Be Strong And Love Yourself!!!

From Dasha With Love!


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Chicago, IL, USA


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