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Diversify Or Die: My Lifestyle Portfolio.

Hi Everyone! Thank you for stopping by my Blog Page! Today I want to share with you the greatest idea ever! I am not kidding! It is simple, it is helpful and it is fun!

Here is the link to my YouTube video that I made for this article: Diversify Or Die. And my IGTV video: Diversify Or Die On IGTV.

I got this scheme from the book "Feel The Fear... And Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers. I highly recommend to read it. My favorite part was about building your life in a way, which will help you to support yourself no matter what.

What do I mean by that? I mean that you should diversify your risks and have different areas of interest. Let's say you are crazy about your job and your career. And you put all your efforts in one basket. You don't have time for building relationship with your partner, you don't visit your family too much, you don't like to hang out with your friends and you don't have any hobby. You just work, work, work. And let's imagine that you lose your job. How would you feel, if you have nothing else in your life? It would be not just "lost job", it would be "lost life". You won't have anything to support yourself in such situation.

Or another example. Let's say you are married, and you love your husband or wife more than anything else in this world. Some people say phrases like "I cannot live without him, this is how much I love him". But what if he/she leaves you? Anything can happen. You would be absolutely unprepared. And, as in the example above, your world would fall apart. Because your significant other was the only thing in your world.

My point is that you can and you should focus on the specific areas of your life; but you cannot, and you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. You need always have a plan "B", which will support you if something unexpected and unpleasant happens. And I don't mean to have a lover if you are afraid that your husband will leave you. Or you don't have to look for another job every time your boss says something that you don't like. No, your support should come from different areas.

That is why it is so useful to create your grid! You can look at it as at diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, commodities, etc. Even if some of your investments turn out to be unsuccessful for the reason that doesn't depend on you, you will be covered by other parts of your portfolio. It is very clear in terms of finance, but not so much in terms of our day-to-day life. A lot of times we just follow our instincts. For example, I know a lot of women who put all their efforts to get a man. Which is very normal. As a woman, I can say that I do want to have relationship, I do want to have kids, and I would love to have a partner who supports me. But this is not how life works. First of all, if you rely on your partner only, you will always be afraid of losing him. The other problem is that you cannot even control the possibility of finding the partner. You can have profiles on several dating apps, you can go out all the time, can try to meet new people and still have no results just because you cannot control other people. So it means that you put most of your efforts, and in some cases all of your efforts, into the area you have absolutely no control of. How crazy is that? To me it is the same as if you take all of your money that you've been saving for years, and invest all of it in Bitcoin. You can win and you can lose, absolutely unexpected and uncontrollable investment.

Instead of doing that, you can write down different options that you can focus on. And again, I am not suggesting to have a back-up partner if your husband leaves you, not at all! You just can look at your life and think what are you thankful for, what helped you to go through difficulties? What brings you pleasure, what feels like important, what can be useful in a long run and what you truly enjoy and what areas of your interest can be helpful to others?

I don’t believe that there is a person in this world who can do only one thing in his life. For example, you can be a tennis player, a husband, a sun, a dad, a role model, etc. If you limit yourself by being just a tennis player, it would be extremely hard for you to face the failures. On other hand, if you were able to build great relationships with your parents, your spouse, your kids, your followers and fans, you would be able to go through tough times much easier.

I hope you got the point of the importance of the diversification. Now I would like to share with you my own grid as an example.

I have nine areas that I find important and helpful.

1. God. I feel that God helps me all the time and his presence gives me strength. And I dedicate part of my time to the activities which will help me to be closer to him. I pray every night before I go to bed. I try to be conscious because I believe that God is consciousness. Almost every night I watch videos of Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh. I don’t belong to any religion but I do find Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings very helpful, he makes me more calm and kind. And kindness is very important in my desire to be closer to God. I also like to watch Brother David Steindl-Rast interviews. He talks a lot about gratefulness. And I believe that when you are grateful for the things that you have, you can see how much God loves you and cares about you!

2. My family and friends. This area includes people who love me unconditionally, who are always there for me, who support me no matter what. There are not too many of them, but they are real. And I know that I must try my best to help them as much as I can. I must work on myself so I have the capacity to take care of them.

3. Relationships. This area is extremely important to me. But it is currently "on hold" just because I don’t know what to do about it. I fully rely on God with this one.

4. Health and beauty. I do want to be as healthy as possible, so I spend some time on cooking, getting the right food, exercising. I am developing my beauty routine, watching videos about makeup and skincare and I am trying to create my very own style. And of course I work out. There is no happiness without working out, ha-ha.

5. My Blog "Besaly". This one is big. It is a representation of my life-style, my philosophy. My blog is my way to give something to this world. I really want to help people. And I think that the more articles I write, the more videos I publish - the better I feel about myself. It is also helps me to be more disciplined and definitely keeps me busy. I need constantly learn something, read books, take classes in order to get new ideas. I absolutely love my blog and I am very thankful I have it! I also am writing a book little by little. I put it into this section because in future I am going to use my blog to share my book.

6. Work. I have an office job. I work as analyst in a big corporation. And I support more than hundred people. If I am lazy and not focused, I cannot provide a good service. But I want to be the best version of myself in all areas of my life. Sometimes I can have a bad mood, I can be tired, and all of a sudden my co-worker comes to my cube with a Thank you card. Things like that can make your day. I get emails full of gratitude from my customers all the time. People are happy to help me. If you try your best to support others, to do your job really well, you will enjoy it no matter how boring or hard it is. At work try to focus on work even if you are not the most career oriented person, like I am. It is always feels good when you keep high standards in the section of your life that brings you income.

7. Leisure. I think everyone loves this one. We all get tired, all get stressed. And we do need to have some fun in our lives! I love to walk to the lake and watch it, it makes me so relaxed! I also love, love, love Russian evening show with Ivan Urgant. The host is so cute and funny! This show makes me laugh. I also love sewing. Right now sewing is more like fun hobby, but in future I will move it from leisure section to work.

8. Finance. I think this is super important part of my life. Money helps you to feel more secure and confident. When I was younger all I could think about, were pleasures. I was mostly focused on relationship and didn't think about savings at all. Now I changed my mindset and try my best to be conscious about my expenses, to plan them ahead and check where I am with my budget and actuals. First, I didn't like it too much, but when you see how your financial situation changes for the best, it gives you the feeling of joy and self-respect! I am currently looking for a side job that I can do during weekends. Something that I can do at home. Unfortunately I haven't found anything yet, but I hope I will be able to make some extra money that I will invest in my blog promotion and my sewing ideas. Making more money doesn't hurt, ha-ha.

9. Personal Growth. This area of my life is extremely important and super pleasant! I love challenges, I love to find the solutions, I love to learn new things, I love to see myself growing! I believe that only if you dedicate some part of your life to your self-development, you can become a really happy person. The worst thing you can do, is do the same things again and again. This type of life would be boring and painful. Leisure time and little pleasures that I described earlier are fun and we all need them. But remember, that the name of this article says "Diversify or die". If you constantly chase pleasures and never focus on progress, you will die mentally and emotionally. And personal growth can heal you. When you are in a bad moment of your life, use it as an opportunity to grow! And you will soar in happiness like a free bird in the sky!

So these are my areas of investments, my life-supporting portfolio. I think it is balanced. It helps me to maintain the risks pretty well so far. You don't have to repeat everything what I am doing, but I highly recommend you to right down some ideas for yourself.

Diversify or die! Ha-ha!

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha With Love!


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Chicago, IL, USA


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