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How To Help Other Person

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for stopping by my blog!

Today I want to share some ideas on helping people, because if we are not skillful enough we can hurt someone instead of solving their issues.

I have made a lot of mistakes trying to give advices, when I just needed to listen and I've been hurt by people who loved me because they didn't know how to help. So I think it is important to have some basic knowledge on this subject.

First of all, if you want to help other person, you need to take care of yourself. If your mind is disturbed, there is no way you can be useful. No exceptions! You will be too focused on getting rid of the disturbance instead of clearly see the situation. You need to cultivate peace and happiness within yourself in order to have capacity to help others. It is just a biology, the way our brain works.

Meditation helps to stay calm and present. Practice mindfulness, if you want to be able to listen without judgment. It is very important to be present for the one who is sicking for your help, for the one who is suffering.

The other thing that I must point out is focusing on good qualities of the person you are trying to help. I noticed that sometimes we list negative things which are already causing some suffering, and instead of switching the focus for some reason we bring all these issues that person already concerned about. I guess it makes us feel like we are experts in this area. Well, I will tell you that we all have these areas that we worked out completely and do not care about, but we all have the areas we still need to get better too. You have them, I have them, everyone has them. So there is no point to use other person's weakness for building your confidence in something you are lucky not to have problems with. This is not helpful! Don't judge!!! You need to find strength in person you are helping, you need to be able to see his or her gift and bring it up. You need to help this person to believe in his ability to handle the situation. I am not saying you need to lie. You can always find good things in any person. We are all worthy, unique and beautiful! And your belief in this person can give him energy!

But remember, if you don't have capacity to help, if you are in such place in your life, where you really need to take care of yourself, it's okay to say No. I actually encourage you to do so. If you are not happy, most likely you will add more problems to other person. Misery likes company. Don' t be like that. Become strong enough to be able to be kind, compassionate and present. And you can always feel it. Listen to your inner-self and you will see, if you are ready to support someone or not.

To sum up:

- Take care of yourself.

- Find good qualities in person you are helping and focus on them.

- Don't use other person's problems for improving your confidence.

- Learn how to say No.

I hope it helps!

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

Love Wins!

From Dasha With Love!


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Chicago, IL, USA


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