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Can You Be An Entrepreneur?

Hi my dear readers! I hope you are doing well! Thank you for stopping by my page!

Today I want to share my thoughts about entrepreneurship. You can cgeck out my video on YouTube if you don't have time to read the article - "Can You Be An Entrepreneur?"

I never was thinking about this area of life. I know that in US a lot of people talk about being entrepreneur and it is kind of a hot topic. Everyone wants to get rich, a lot of people don't like to work in the office, and opportunities to become the owner of your own business in America are endless. Just look at GDP numbers. In Russia 2017 GDP was $1.6 trillion, in US it was $19.39 trillion... Numbers don't lie, ha-ha. As you can see there are a lot of products/services produced/provided in US. And if you look at the year-over-year growth you will see that it keeps increasing. Consumer spending contributes about 70% of total United States production. People spend tons of money in US every year, and they keep spending more and more. If people are willing to spend money, it means that you can sell products/services and take this money.

I never thought of making money as an entrepreneur. I always wanted to be a wife. I am good at taking care and I am very understanding, which from my point of view makes me a perfect partner for a busy man. But I am 37 years old now, single, my beauty goes away little by little, but I become more and more picky. Let's look at the formula of probability of me finding a husband. Let's say that 1 means I found one husband. And 0 means I didn't. So "1-p=0" is the probability of finding him. So my "p" increases in geometric progression every day which makes my probability closer and closer to zero! And of course I am more joking about this mathematical way of looking at love and relationships, but I understand very clearly that if I keep doing what I am doing now, just working in the office, I will end up doing the same thing for the rest of my life. You know, if I had a husband, I wouldn't care. I would just enjoy my life with the person I love. I never wanted to make money, I just wanted to have good relationships.

But now, as I was not able to get what I thought would be a perfect life, I want to change something. I want my life to be more adventurous, I want some unpredictability. I want excitement! And I am the only person who can create this excitement.

So I started to think that maybe I can have my own business, maybe I can become an entrepreneur. Yesterday I watched an interesting interview with Mikhail Fridman, Russian business magnate. He started with windows washing and now his net worth is about $13 billions. So it was interesting to listen to his ideas about business world. I liked that in his interview he highlighted some qualities that from his point of view were important for entrepreneur. I wrote them down and I would like to share them with you!

Entrepreneur qualities:

- High morality

- Comfortable in the situation of uncertainty

- Competitive

- Likes the conflict situations

- Ambitious

It is interesting that Mikhail was saying that in order to be successful you need to follow simple rules of morality. And he said that you should be yourself, because smart people always know when you are fake. I think it is true. There is no need to lie and make up something, you will never win with lie in long run, it can work for a little bit, but eventually you will fail.

When I was watching this interview, I could see how far from entrepreneurship I was. I am not competitive and I don't like conflicts. I am not even ambitious! I don't have very important qualities. And of course it was just an opinion of one businessman. It was subjective and he could be wrong. But I do agree with him, I do think that ambitions and the desire of conflict and competition can help person to become successful in business.

So what am I trying to say here? Does it mean, that I will give up my dream of quitting my office job and having my own business. No, not at all! I have a huge desire to create something. It might be something not very profitable, but it will be expression of myself. It doesn't have to be big, but it has to be mine! To me it is more about using my potential. I know that I will never be able to create billion dollar company, and I don't even want to. I don't see myself as a businesswoman. I am the person who wants to give love and take care. I want to share positivity, to send good vibes. I don't want to be focused on big financial goals. It is just not my thing. I am too sensitive for that. But I know that I am very strong, I do feel well in the situation of uncertainty, I almost never freak out. So I do have some qualities which can help me to become successful in what I am doing.

Another great advice that Mikhail also mentioned was the importance of ability to evaluate yourself. You need to look at yourself and understand what you can and what you can't do. And hypothetically we all can do everything. But the question is: what are you willing to pay the price for? You need to chose something that will bring you joy during the process itself, not just when you get the final result. There should be something, that makes you happy while you are doing it, not only when you are done.

So when you select the area of your business or occupation, choose something that brings you joy even when you suffer. Because in order to achieve great results you will have to go through the pain. Life is just not that simple, you cannot always win. Think of something that makes you so happy that even when you suffer you smile! Then you will succeed no matter what!

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha With Love!

Love Wins!


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Chicago, IL, USA


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