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You Have No Problems!

Do you want to be free from all of your problems for the rest of your life? Then keep reading ;-)

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I was watching an interview with co-founder of Almaz Capital, Alexander Galitsky, the other day. And he said interesting thing which probably you have heard many times before. He said: "Any great innovation starts with solving the problem". And this idea stuck in my head. I started to think about it, how true it was. When you have a problem your natural reaction is to solve it. And during the process of solving it you become creative and learn something new.

Now let's imagine for a second, that thousands of years ago there was a man. He had a tree that was giving him fruits everyday, so he didn't have to fight hunger. And the wild animals were not eating him for whatever reason. He could have a woman sometimes, without putting any efforts, etc. Now tell me, would this man invent a digging stick? Would he be able to do anything if he always were absolutely content and happy? I am hundred percent sure that he would do nothing.

Discomfort makes us productive, discomfort helps us to evolve. Discomfort makes us more creative. Discomfort pushes our limits... Discomfort is what helped humanity to survive. And humans always managed to find out the solutions for all of our problems, and the fact that we are still here on this planet proves that the system works!

Now let's go back to Mr. Galitsky and his quote about inventions. If you don't have a problem, you don't have to invent something. I think it is hard to disagree with that. And when I thought about that I realized, that problem is not a problem.


It sounds great! When I realized it I thought, "Yay! I am free from all of my problems for the rest of my life now! I will treat all of them as learning opportunities and will be grateful for them, because they will make me more creative!" For couple of days I was extremely happy and had no bad thoughts whatsoever. It is easy to be positive when everything goes the way you want. We all can talk about contentment, when we have good relationships, money, health, etc. But when something sad happens, our enthusiasm magically disappears. I tried to understand why the quote that made so much sense couple of days ago, is not working anymore. And I found the answer!


Why do people have so many problems? Because they don't want to put effort to come up with creative solution to solve it. They spend most of their time thinking about avoiding it. And if you cannot avoid the problem itself directly, you get lost in indirect methods of avoidance: alcohol, TV Shows, social media, etc. This way your problems stays the problem. On other hand, if you are not afraid, if you are looking at the problem as an opportunity to learn something new, when you are not running from it, you can become really creative. 

You cannot solve the problem only if you think that you cannot handle something and if you belief that there is no good outcome to some event. Let's say you got fired. You have two options:

1. You get scared, you panic, you start drinking, you complain about your former boss, etc.

2. You are grateful for the opportunity to learn something you. You understand that life is not over, that you can find a better place to work. You smile to this challenge.

In option number two it would be much easier for you to act and to find something, you would have more energy, you would be more positive. More likely people would like you. Or maybe you can start your business that you always were dreaming about, or you would write a book! Everything can happen if you turn on your creativity!

To sum up:

- You have no problems, you have only learning opportunities.

- You can only have problems when you are trying to run away from them instead of facing them.

- If you believe in yourself and have trust, you will always be able to find the solution and will end up in a better place than you were before you had this problem.

You know I started this blog because I was uncomfortable. And I read a lot of books because of my suffering. I try to be productive, because it makes me happy. If I didn't have this discomfort in my life, you wouldn't read this article now. I couldn't avoid some unpleasant situations in my life, but I used this discomfort for my evolvement. And people in general do involve because of discomfort.

I believe that one day we all become so evolved that we wouldn't need this discomfort anymore, but we are not there yet. Use your opportunities! Help the planet! Little by little...  :-)

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha With Love!

Love Wins!


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