Money Can Make You Happy.
Hello my dear readers! I am so glad you stopped by my page! I hope my today's post will be enjoyable for you :-)
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I started to read a book about brain and wealth. I don't want to write too much about it because I haven't finished reading it yet. But in the first chapter I found interesting questions that I want to share. I will change them a little bit, but I will keep the idea.
Try to relax, let go your worries, breath a little bit and then answer the following questions. But if it is possible try to read the first question, visualize it and only after that move on to the second question. Try not to mix them up and focus on each of them separately.
Question-visualization #1: Imagine that you are absolutely happy. What are you doing? Where are you? what makes you so happy? Take a pause before you read next paragraph and create your own picture of happiness.
I personally started to think about relationships, that I am with the man that I like, we are hugging each other and I feel a lot of pleasure. I didn't think of vacation or something. Just pictured us together. And I felt like it was the description of my happiest moment.
Question-visualization #2: Now imagine that you are very wealthy, that you have so much money that you can afford more or less everything you want. What are you doing? Are you happy? What do you want? Take your time, think of how it will look like before you move on with reading...
I was shocked when I realized how the answer to the second question was different from the first one! When I pictured myself being rich, I imagined that I would hire people to help me with my blog, my book. I would spend more time on learning new thing, I would try to help others... So I actually pictured myself working even harder than I do now!
So when I tried to picture myself just being happy, I imagined very lazy Dasha doing nothing, with man who was doing nothing as well... But when I thought of myself as of wealthy person, I was very productive, independent and useful for society! How weird is that?
I listen to the lectures about spirituality all the time. And spiritual teachers tell you that money will not make you happy. But when I think of wealth I think of myself as of better person as if I think of myself as a happy person. Why is that? What does it mean? I started to think about it and realized that my idea of happiness, my definition of it is kind of wrong. I think of happiness as of pleasure, which is very fleeting and unrealistic. You cannot spend your whole life hugging your babe. Maybe you pictured something more meaningful, but if you were like me and imagined happiness as simple pleasure, guess what - you will never be able to keep it forever. But you love it and because you love it so much you try to get it. And then your life turns into marathon with never ending chasing of pleasures which come and go super quickly. How awful is that? I don't want such life for myself!
Now let's go back to money, and if it makes you happy. I think that it is true that wealth can make you happy. I never thought of it before, but now I can see how higher income can help me. So interesting! But why are there so many wealthy people who are not happy? I cannot tell you for sure, because I am not one of them, and I am not the one to judge. But I guess it is because they use their money for short-term pleasures. If the reason you want to earn more, is your desire to get more fleeting pleasurable moments with no meaning, money won't make you happy. If you want to use money for your self-development, for helping others, for making this world better, I guaranty you, I GUARANTY, you will be much-much happier if you'd be wealthier.
My whole life I was too focused on short-term pleasures more, then on trying to make my life better in a long run. And I must admit that I don't even know what to do. How can I change things? I have no idea how people make more money. I am trying to think of something and nothing comes to mind. I guess I need to explore this area and make some researches.
If you have any ideas on how I can grow my wealth, please let me know! Please share your experience and your achievements!
I want to be happy, but I want to be happy not for a moment, and not because the person I love is sitting next to me. I want to be happy because I am using my potential in full and I help other people to use theirs!
When I find the way to change my life and make it super successful and meaningful, I will share it with you! Stay tuned!
If you already make good money I encourage you to use big portion of it for your self-development! Invest in yourself. Invest in something that will last you for a long period of time, not in something that will disappear in a moment and will leave you in frustration and tiredness. Don't waste your income on something you will regret about. Money can make you happy if you use it wisely!
I am wishing you to find your way to long lasting happiness and life fulfillment!
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
Love Wins!
From Dasha With Love!