Boredom And Consumption.
Hey, hey, my dear readers! I am so happy today! And you know why? It is so silly, but I am happy because I got my tan back! Yay!!!
Sometimes these little things change our mood so much! And it is good to know what exactly can lift you up. But on other hand it is very important not to go crazy with getting these little things and not create a one huge trouble for yourself.
I am talking about this subject in this video: Boredom And Consumption.
Life is not static. One day it looks like nothing changes, another day it looks like everything is new. I noticed that I personally do prefer changes to boring stability. I need to have something new in my life all the time. Why? Well, because I get bored when everything is the same! I think that boredom is somehow connected to my fears. I am single and subconsciously I have a fear of staying single for the rest of y life. My conscious part knows that it is not such a big deal, but my psyche freaks out sometimes.
If I have something new in my life: a new hobby, new office, new manager, my subconscious part starts to believe that these changes can bring me a new boyfriend. That is why I got a new hobby recently! Now I am a fan of skincare! I started to read articles about chemical ingredient which are commonly used in cosmetics, I decided to compare different brands, to learn more about things like LED. It is all new to me, it is interesting and it calms down my psyche because it thinks that the more I know about skincare, the better I look. The better I look, the more chances I have to find a man.
I know myself really well, and I understand why I am doing the certain things. And it helps me a lot not to buy millions of products and to avoid high credit card bills.
So let's go back to boredom and consumption. When we are not happy with our lives and we don't know how to change it, our subconscious part freaks out. We all have different fears, I brought to you mine, as an example, you better be aware of yours. When we are bored we become more scared. When you are busy with something you don't really have time to think. You just do stuff. If you do nothing and just think about your life, you can get really bored. And your mind can start creating action plans to get you out of this boredom. And nowadays one of the ways to escape this unpleasant feeling is to consume.
Maybe some of you noticed that you go shopping when you feel sad. You can buy clothes, makeup, skincare products, sewing supplies, something for your hair, maybe something related to sport, you name it. It looks like we need all these things and they do make us happy... But for how long? And how conscious we are when we buy all these things?
I believe in the right balance. It is okay to buy things that make us happy. My subconscious part, baby Dasha, can be pretty annoying sometimes and I like to keep it calm. So I try my best to provide myself with cute things that I like. But at the same time I try to stay within my budget. I am not a millionaire and I don't want to end up being broke all the time. I try to find some special deals, try to buy things on sale, I select the brands which are within my budget and I also put money aside if I want something expensive, and buy it only when I saved enough money. My rule is: don't spend more than you make. I like to cook and I don't go out too much, these habits save me a lot of money that I can invest in my hair and skin. And good hair and skin keep my psyche happy!
And when I try to make a research of good and at the same time affordable skincare products, I get busy and don't have time for boredom!
I know, this article was a little bit too personal. But let me highlight some good points:
1. Try to keep yourself busy with something useful.
2. Be aware of your boredom.
3. Give yourself some gifts mindfully.
4. Make sure that you are staying within your budget.
I hope it was helpful!
Let me know if you want to learn more about my skincare findings!
Stay tuned!
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
From Dasha With Love!
Love Wins!