Say "No" To Judgment And "Yes" To Understanding!
Hi my dear readers! I am so happy that you stopped by my blog! I really appreciate it!
You can find a video to my today's post by following this link: Say "No" To Judgment And "Yes" To Understanding!
Today I want to talk about judgments.
Have you ever noticed your inner speech? When you go out for example and there is a voice inside of your head saying "Why is it so cold? I hate this weather. I wish I would live in some other place which is warmer." We judge the weather as bad or good, we judge people, we judge events. We do like to judge everything.
I believe that these judgments almost all of the times are useless. We do have these personal judgmental thoughts because they create an illusion that we can change something. Like if you are thinking about the weather you kind of took action. But in truth these personal judgmental thoughts move us further away from reality. Instead of just facing the facts we start to judge them and get sucked into our minds.
Let's say someone hurt you, or at least you think so. You judge this person as bad or mean. But how this judgment can help you? You will just keep thinking about it and create more thoughts and give more energy to your negative emotions.
I think that the best thing you can do in such case, is to replace judgments with understanding. Maybe this person was not nice because he or she was tired or stressed. Maybe he or she was afraid of something. When you understand that, you don't get so angry and you don't waste your energy.
The same thing can be applied to events. Let's say you lost your job. And you get scared, you judge this event as negative. But what if you will find even better job in a month? How can you know what will happen? And how can we judge something that we don't know? But if you accept this event with understanding, that maybe this place was not the best for you, it will be much easier to move on and find something better!
I also would like to mention that if we judge something as really good, it can be risky. Because then we get too attached to the person, or event, or place, etc. But nothing is permanent, everything changes. And we need to remember about it. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't be thankful for something pleasant, but don't put too much efforts to keep these pleasant things only because you judge them as good.
The most important thing is the ability to understand yourself. If you understand your emotions, you won't waste too much time on judging others because you would be able to see that we are more or less the same, we just have different strengths, weaknesses and fears. But we all have them. And maybe we don't have to judge each other for making mistakes because, again, we all make them. And if you know yourself, if you know your fears, there will be no point in judgments. Because we usually judge someone or something when we are scared, but most of the times our fears are not real.
If you have understanding, it means that you have love! And love is the most important thing in the world! It helps us to solve all the problems :-)
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
Love Wins!
From Dasha With Love!