Love Your Mistakes!
I made such a horrible mistake the other day! I went to the store and... I bought a nail polish that I didn't like. Why did I do that? Why would I buy something that I didn't need? So silly!
My dear readers, today I want to talk about our poor choices and the mistakes that we make.
Please watch video on my YouTube Channel: How To Love Your Mistakes.
Have you ever had a friend who was smart, interesting, kind and loving, but always did something silly? You look at him and think: how come he did it? Well, you know what? You did too! We all make mistakes and we all make such thing as poor choice. Nobody is perfect, we all have weaknesses. But some people struggle with one area of life, and other people can be like a baby in another area. What should we do about our poor choices?
First of all, we always need to be kind to ourselves. Yes, we make mistakes, but it doesn't mean that you need to punish yourself all the time. There is no benefit in blaming yourself. If you say mean things about yourself, you will not be able to believe that you can win, that you can evolve. You should create image of successful person in your head in order to achieve great results, not the image of someone miserable. And it is only up to you how to react on your mistakes.
Another important thing is the understanding that you are not your poor choices. You can make a mistake, but it doesn't mean that this mistake can define you. Sometimes I do something and then think "Why did I do that?". We can be very emotional, can be very scared. Sometimes we can lose control. But it doesn't mean that we cannot change the situation. Yesterday I bought wrong nail polish, today I went to the store and returned it. And I know it does sound like silly example, but in reality you can fix everything, absolutely everything. And in order to do that, you just need to remember that you are not your mistakes!
You need to look at your poor choices as at learning experiences. They all teach us something, they show the areas that we still need to work on. When you make a mistake, you can say, "I know I did something wrong. It's okay, I accept the fact that I am not perfect. I will try my best to fix this mistake, and if there is something I cannot control I will let God to fix it for me. I believe that everything happens for my highest good".
We spend a lot of time on thinking. And it is up to you to decided what thoughts do you want to be focused on: mean criticizing thoughts or positive thoughts about your self-development.
And you know they say that you can make a mistake, but you shouldn't make the same mistake twice. I think it is not true. Some areas of our lives are more difficult to work on. Some people have problems with money, others with relationships. There could be things where you need more time to evolve. So give yourself this time. Don't give up and don't get upset even if you repeat the same mistake again and again.
Every night I write down things I am grateful for and things I need to improve. It helps me to train my brain to be focused on positive things and get benefit out of my poor choices! I recommend you to have a notebook where you can write down your life lessons. Writing helps to get more detached from the problem. Just remember, you should write it down as something positive, something useful, not like a punishment.
I have made so many mistakes in my life, some of them I repeated millions of times. And I do not regret about any of them. And you know what? My poor choices helped me to love myself and as a result to love other people. They helped me to improve my communication skills; to build relationships with my family and friends, with my co-workers. When we get detached from our mistakes, we can see that they are not that horrible! :) Please keep in mind that you are the one who is in control, so don't let your mistakes control you!
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
From Dasha With Love!
Love Wins!
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