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How To Make A Decision.

Hi Everyone! Thank you for reading my post!

It's summer time now and I have been lazy lately. But I love my own blog so much that I keep working on it even when I feel lazy.

Here is the link to my today's post - How To Make A Decision.

Sometimes I don't know how to make a decision or I get upset that I have made the wrong one. But then I remind myself very simple idea which helps me to stay positive and happy! Here is this idea: there are no good or bad decisions, there are only decisions that you make and the consequences of these decisions.

Consequences can be different. They can be very pleasant. This is when we call the decision good or right. If the consequences are painful, we judge our decisions as bad or wrong.

In reality painful experiences are necessary for our growth and development. This is how we learn. And they don't mean that you have made wrong decision, they mean that you need a little bit more learning in the specific area in order to get to the point where you should be.

Life in general is one big lesson. We are an experts in some areas and can figure things out really well in these areas. But there could also be some areas where we need to learn more. And even if it looks like you make the same mistake again and again in reality is just new lessons that you need in order to evolve. It is not wrong, it is natural.

There is no point of torturing yourself with trying to find right solution for everything. Of course it doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to be smart. But if you were not able to do the things in some perfect way, don't blame yourself. Just accept the situation as some learning experience and be thankful for it. It means that life is trying to prepare you for something greater. And in order to be prepared you need to overcome some difficulties. And without mistakes you cannot really learn and be the person you suppose to be.

If you pay attention to consequences of your decisions with no judgement, if you only feel gratefulness and stay calm, you will learn much more. And if you don't worry too much when you make a decision, your brain will work better. because when we worry, our brain cannot use its capacity in full.

So I will repeat it one more time: there are no good or bad decisions, there are only decisions that you make and the consequences.

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha With Love!

Love Wins!


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