Love Your Mean Thoughts
Hi Everyone! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I hope my today's post will be useful for you!
I have been very calm and peaceful lately, but at the same time productive. And I started to think of what helped me to get this state of equanimity and I realized that there were just two simple things which can dramatically change your life. And today I want to share them with you!
Here is the link to my YouTube Video: Love Your Mean Thoughts.
First of all I must say that the cause of all problems is mind. The cause of ALL problems (NO EXCEPTIONS). So if you know how to work with your mind, your thoughts, you will have no problems.
When we have negative thoughts, our biggest desire is to get rid of them as soon as possible. But the more you fight with them, the more energy you give to them, the more tired you become. You start creating useless action plans which only exhaust you. When I started to accept my mean thoughts, to love them, I was able to let them go really fast.
And this is how it works. Let's say I have a thought, "I am not very pretty, I get older, no one will ever love me". Usually when we have thought like that, we are trying to find the prove the it is wrong. We can look for people who can boost up our self esteem, or we can run to the beauty shop and buy some stuff for face, body, etc. Or... You can just say, "Oh, hello my dear thought! I know you are there". And that's it! Just acknowledge that you have this negative thought and let it be. This way you don't waste your energy or money, you don't do anything silly, you don't get sucked into it. Just welcome it. Remember, this is just a thought, it cannot kill you. But your actions caused by some mean thoughts can really harm you. So let this thought be just one tiny thought.
The second thing that helped me a lot was turning my negative energy caused by mean thoughts into something positive. Usually we have unpleasant feelings when we think about something upsetting. And because we feel unpleasant we want to do something. So I suggest instead of doing something about your problem, do something useful: read a book, watch a class, work out, sew, cook healthy meal, etc.
Here is a simple example. I feel lonely, I feel unpleasant. My mind tells me to do something about my loneliness, maybe text someone, or create profile on dating site. But I use my willpower and in order to feel better I work out, read a book, or work on my sewing project. And in this case my negative thought is like an engine that turns me on and makes me more productive. How awesome is that?! If instead of solving fake problem, I switch my energy on something useful, I feel extremely satisfied with myself after that. And in long run I definitely win!
Now let me sum up this simple idea: observe your thoughts, accept mean ones, love them, welcome them and use them to do something positive and useful. If you keep doing that, in a while you will see the result! Your life will become much easier, I promise!
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
Love Wins!
From Dasha With Love!