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Good Morning!

Hi Everyone! Thank you for reading my article! I hope you will find it useful!

Today I want to talk about my morning routine. I noticed that the way I start my day defines it. If I do the right things in the morning, my whole day becomes more productive and positive. I highly recommend you to develop good morning habits!

Here are some tips of what I do, you don't have to do exactly the same things, but do something healthy and beneficial.

If you prefer to watch video please follow this link: Good Morning.

1. Meditation. When I wake up I meditate almost immediately. And my meditation is very simple. I just focus my attention on my breath. I notice how I breath in and how I breath out. And I make several conscious breaths. You see how simple it is! It helps to start a new day with clear mind and to remind myself that I can always stay calm if I go back to my breath.

2. Breakfast. It is very important to have healthy breakfast in the morning. If you consume a lot of sugar and carbs, in an hour or two you will feel tired and will have no energy. I prefer to eat some veggies with proteins. For example, I make myself an egg with spinach, pepper, onion and tomatoes. Yummy! I can feel how good breakfast gives me energy, so I can work better. I also drink a cup of water when I wake up. Find some nice breakfast for yourself, it is important, and it will help you to feel better during the day.

3. Positive Attitude. Every morning I remind myself, that my happiness depends on me only, and that I can make any day a good day with the right attitude! I give myself a promise that I will take care of myself and that I will try my best to do the things which are good for me. Even if something unpleasant happens, it is always me, who choose how to react. I can get stressed, be mean, or I can be grateful for another learning opportunity! So try to remind yourself every morning, that it is all up to you, you can make your day, you don't need any external help in order to do that!

These are three simple things which help me a lot! Maybe you have your own ideas. It doesn't matter what exactly you are doing, you just need to start your day with something healthy and positive. I know that I lot of people watch negative news while getting ready to work. Well, this is not the best start of the day. You can do it later in the day if you have to. But keep your morning uplifting! Keep smile on your face and be happy!

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha with Love!

Love Wins!


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Chicago, IL, USA


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