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Very Important Information About Your Thoughts.

Hi Everyone! Thank you for reading my article! Today I want to share very important information about your thoughts. If you understand it and remember about it, you can be happy no matter what. If you don't get it, you might suffer.

Here is the video for today's post: Watch Your Thoughts.

I noticed that we have two types of thoughts. I call them Practical Thoughts and Personal Judgemental Thoughts. Now let's look at both types.

Practical thoughts are very useful and very simple. They are usually related to some actions that you need to perform. For example you can think "I need to do laundry", or "I should buy some food for dinner", or "I need to wash my dishes". This type of thoughts most of the times is very simple and doesn't take too much energy. You just do things you need to do and move on. These are the thoughts which are linked to reality and present moment. Even if they are about future plans, they still are based on what is going on right now.

Your practical judgemental thoughts are related to your preferences. If you have a thought which falls under categories "I like it" or "I don't like it" that would be your personal judgemental thought. This type of thoughts is pretty useless and can be even dangerous. Here is a simple example. Imagine that you get a task at work to run a report that you don't like. Another person might like it, but you find it boring. And you start to generate judgemental thoughts like "Oh no, I don't like this report! Why did my boss send it to me? She could have asked someone else. Why is it always me? I work more than others and make the same money..." Then you text your friend saying "She gave me this report again! Can you believe it?" And you keep complaining about it. If you didn't have preferences, you'd just run the report and would be done with it. You won't waste you energy, your time on complaining, you won't release some stress hormones. Your life would be much simpler.

These judgemental thoughts of likes and dislikes make our life much more complected. They take our energy, our time, they affect our health, they get us into troubles. That is why it is very important to know how to notice them and how to ignore them. If something doesn't serve you, you shouldn't listen to it.

The easiest way to ignore your personal judgemental thought is to give your brain a specific task when your mind starts to wandering. You can do something useful like studying, reading, sewing, cleaning, etc. Or if you are already in bed, you can meditate. It is very simple, you just focus on your breath instead of thinking about your conversation with someone which took place a while ago and creating useless dialogs in your mind.

Personal judgemental thoughts are not related to present moment. They are mostly related to your memories. And they are generated by fears. There is a part of your brain which wants to protect you every single minute. But protect from what? It wants to protect you from something that doesn't have any danger whatsoever. Let's get back to example with the report. You brain remembers how boring was to complete it last time, and it just doesn't like to do boring stuff. Is it dangerous? No! Is it unpleasant? Maybe, but only if you think too much about your preferences. If you don't create a drama, this task won't be too bad.

Our brain likes to store negative experiences and to get back to them all the time. This quality helped humans to survive thousands of years ago. But nowadays it became useless. We don't have to survive most of the times. But unfortunately some ancient part of our brain doesn't know about it. But it doesn't mean that your consciousness should follow this ancient brain's advices. You are much more than these thoughts and you can ignore them, you can always go back to your breath, to present moment.

Don't be a slave of your own brain, learn how to observe it and ignore thoughts which do not serve you.

And of course it doesn't mean that you should never complain or that you need to work like a robot without any emotions. We are humans and we always will have preferences. They help us to follow our dreams! But you have to be mindful about them and don't let your likes and dislikes control your life, take your energy and get you into troubles. Acknowledge them, and let them go.

Please work on these things, take care of yourself.

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha With Love!

Love Wins!

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