How To Be Disciplined.
Hello My Darlings! Thank you for reading my blog!
I was working hard and prepared some good ideas for you today :-)
I must admit that I am not very disciplined person by nature. And I have to work on developing this amazing quality every day. I noticed that my life improved a lot since I started to put efforts to become more disciplined. And I also realized that it was not that hard! So today I want to share one simple thing which helped me to increase my will power.
Here is the link to the video for this article: How To Be Disciplined.
My idea is super simple: if you want to be disciplined, you need to do what you love! You will not be able to force yourself to do things which are not pleasant to you all the time. It might work for a while, but at some point you most likely will give up. On other hand, if you really enjoy doing something, this love will help you to find energy, even when you feel lazy.
You can begin with writing down the things that you really love; make two columns: one column with the things which are beneficial for you in a long run and another column with the things which are not really good for you, if you think of consequences. Once the list is created, all you need to do is to focus on the things which will have positive impact on you and your life. Isn't it simple? For example, as a good thing you can write down "Workout" and as a bad thing you can say "Sweets". And when you want to bring yourself some pleasure just pick it from the useful column!
I want to share my list of things which help me to be more disciplined as an example. These are just my ideas, your list might be different:
1. Working out. I feel really good about myself after workout. It might be a little bit hard to start sometimes, but if you choose exercises which work for you, it won't be that difficult. You just need to find the right ones.
2. Eating healthy. I love to eat in general, and I eat a lot. But I am pretty skinny. Why? Because I am trying to eat low calories not processed food like veggies, legumes, fruits, some proteins, etc. I love snacks, so I cook some healthy snacks for myself :-)
3. Sleep. I have a rule to go to bed before 10PM. When I have 7-8 hours of sleep I feel so much better than if I sleep less! As I love myself, I put efforts to form the right sleeping habits so my life becomes easier. I just turn off the lights, my T.V., my phone before 10PM and go to bed. Very simple!
4. Reading books. I love to read books about self-development. And this action doesn't require too much efforts. Reading is one of the easiest way to practice your will power. All you need to do is just read a little bit every day to develop a habit. Super easy!
5. Watch classes and lectures. This one is easy too. I like to watch videos of spiritual teachers and to take classes about Psychology and Well-being. If you like something and want to learn more about the things that you like, classes might be very useful. When the subject is interesting to you, it will be much easier to become disciplined in this area.
6. Avoid negative people. If someone doesn't bring you joy, there is no point to waste your time on this person (unless you have no choice). Sometimes we are lazy and just want to hang out with someone. But it is better to stay home and read a book, than to water the seeds of negativity within yourself.
7. Walking by the lake. Nature is very healing. When I was sad I developed a habit of going to the lake and now I am doing it almost every day, even if the weather is not very nice (I love all types of weather, ha-ha). It is a good habit and it also kind of helping me to be disciplined and go out even when I just want to lay on the couch.
8. Sewing. I love sewing, and because I love it so much, it helps me to be stronger. I practice this skill even when I don't want to do anything. Oh, if you only knew how lazy I am by nature, and sewing helps me to develop not only will-power but also a lot of patience. And some very cute clothes! :-)
9. Looking pretty. It might sound silly, but the desire to look pretty helps me to have nice healthy routine. I do facials at home, I take care of my hair, my nails. I need to do so many things, that without discipline I would never have time for that! Ha-ha!
10. Meditation. This is so simple and yet so important. They say: where your attention goes, your energy flows. Meditation is the ability to direct your attention, your consciousness to the right place. This is actually one of the most important tool you can use to improve your discipline. Try to pay attention to your thoughts and direct your consciousness to your breath by using your will power. You will see how pleasant it is to get rid of some negative ideas just in three seconds!
11. Blogging. I love my blog, my videos, my articles. Well, to be honest, I love my videos the most :-) I have commitment to post a new video every Sunday and this commitment helps me to be more disciplined. I have my schedule and I follow it.
As you can see, I am just trying to do the things that I love and this love helps me to be productive. I truly believe that our happiness depends a lot on the way we are using our potential. If you don't use it and just focused on short term pleasures, you will always chase them and be constantly exhausted. I don't want such life for you. I want you to be happy, healthy, energetic, confident! Please create your list of things that you love which are beneficial for you in a long run and focus on them! Literally write them down, writing helps! Please take care of yourself!
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
From Dasha With Love!
Love Wins!