Remember To Breathe
Hello my dear readers! I hope you are doing well!
Today I want to share something that helps me when I feel really sad.
Here is the link to the video for today's article: Remember To Breathe.
Sometimes I have very mean thoughts. I have a desire that will never be fulfilled. My mind doesn't want to accept the reality and tries to create action pans on how I can make my dream come true. But unfortunately in life there are some things that we just cannot change, no matter how strong we are.
The good thing is that I have a tool which helps me to stay calm and peaceful. And you have it too! It's your breath! The more attention I pay to my breath, the less time I spend with my mean thoughts. I love to meditate, and I can see how much peace mindfulness brings to me. I learned about breathing meditation from Thich Nhat Hanh. He is a Zen Master, global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist. When I had the most painful period in my life, I was listening to his talks every night and he helped me to overcome my difficulties. Then I felt better and switched to something else. And now, when I felt pain again, I came back to his talks and meditations. And they are the best! At least for me. I am trying to listen to Thich Nhat Hanh every day, I meditate in the morning and in the evening. And I try to stay mindful throughout the day.
These are my favorite meditations:
I love to be present, when I have no worries about the future, when I don't have exhausting dialogs in my head of what I would say to someone if I could. When I meditate, I feel that I become closer to reality, and to me it means that I am closer to God and to all the beauty that He created for me :-)
Just few conscious breaths can help you to get back to present moment and let you free from mean thoughts and suffering. Instead of thinking about unfulfilled desire you are just breathing and let it go! Sometimes we want something that is not good for us, this is our human nature, there is nothing wrong with it. But it doesn't mean that you have to suffer. Mindful breathing helps to combine this human nature with our souls, our consciousness.
In the end I want to say that I am thankful for all the suffering that I had in my life. This pain made me who I am now and I love myself the way I am. It helped me to grow and to be much more mindful. The more suffering I have, the more love and peace I get in return!
Please practice mindfulness and conscious breathing, it is very beneficial and healing!
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
From Dasha With Love
Love Wins!