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Breaking The Rules

Hello my darlings! I hope you are doing well!

I want to give some updates on what is going on in my life and share one idea which is very useful for happiness!

Here is the link to the video for this article - Breaking the rules.

First of all I want to show you my new sewing project. It's McCall's pattern M7906. It is a pleated skirt with buttons (I already bought super cute ones). I decided to work on this project because there is an awesome tutorial on how to make it made by Anita, my favorite sewing teacher. Here is the link to this tutorial - McCall's 7906 Sew Along. I will be sharing the results in the beginning of November because it will take me about a month to make this skirt.

I also wanted to say that I love my hair color! I wanted to be blonde since I remember myself. When I was a child I was dreaming about blonde hair. I thought that once I become blonde all my dreams would come true! Well, at least this dream came true, finally, after hundreds of dollars spent, tons of hair care, multiple appointments, I finally have the color that I love!

Here is the link to my hair colorist Instagram page just in case, she is super nice and extremely professional - Maud Jannin.

Okay, I am done with the latest news now let's talk about wisdom :-)

I want to start with a quote by Thich Nhat Hanh,

"...the teaching is merely a vehicle to describe the truth. Don’t mistake it for the truth itself. A finger pointing at the moon is not the moon. The finger is needed to know where to look for the moon, but if you mistake the finger for the moon itself, you will never know the real moon."

There are a lot of very wise people in the world, who share with us their knowledge. And I am extremely thankful for that. One of my main goal is to collect this knowledge, these teachings in order to make my life easier and help others to do the same. But I think it is important to understand that some ideas which work for some people don't have to work for you. Learn new things, try to apply them to your life and see if they work, because sometimes they don't.

Let me bring a silly example which can describe what I mean. I learned that for a good sleep it is better not to use any devices in bed, and not even read books. And I was following this advice for months. I didn't take my phone or anything else to my bedroom, I don't have TV in my bedroom. My bed was only for sleeping, nothing else. If I wanted to read, I would go to my living room. And it worked well when I didn't have too much stress. When I got into stressful situation, I would go to bed and generate mean thoughts. And I used to cry almost every night before falling asleep. At some point I just developed a habit of crying before sleep and my bedroom became some type of torture room for me. There was a pattern: I go to bed, I think mean thoughts, I cry. And last week I decided to change something, because I didn't want to have such negative associations with my bed. I took my phone to my bedroom and listened to some meditations by my favorite teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh. And it helped me so much! Now I feel much better when I go to sleep. I also allow myself to play my favorite game on my phone three times. So I still keep myself disciplined, but at the same time I am making my life a little bit easier.

Rules are created to make you happy, not opposite. There is no point in following the rules which make you unhappy just for the sake of following the rules. Life is meant to be a joy. It is amazing to learn new things, but the knowledge should serve you, it shouldn't destroy your life. I actually think that the more we know, the more flexible we become. Socrates said "I know that I know nothing" and Albert Einstein said "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know".

Teachings just give us directions. And our job is to take a journey and enjoy it! Your life and experience are very unique and no one can know what is good for you better than you. Please, first of all, take care of yourself and then follow the rules.

Be Strong And Love Yourself.

From Dasha With Love.

Love Wins!


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