How To Help Your Single Friend.
Hello my dear readers! I hope you are enjoying your day :-)
The idea to create this post came up to me spontaneously, I haven't planned it. I was just thinking about my friends and how much they help me, how their presence in my life makes it more beautiful!
Here is the link to the video for this article: How To Help Your Single Friend.
I will have to share some of negative moments of my life, because without them I would not be able to explain how important good things are. We start to appreciate what we have, when we experience pain. Without suffering we will not be able to be that grateful for all the beauty we have in life!
I am single and I don't like it. Sometimes I experience a lot of emotional pain. I was at the wedding on Friday. It was so beautiful! Everything was perfect! Bride looked gorgeous, groom looked like a real man she can rely on, the church was really nice, and I liked the place for reception. But even in this happy environment, when I was really excited about my friend's special moment, I felt suffering. At some moments I could hardly hold my tears, because all this situation reminded me how much I want to be with someone I love. It was hard. But when the dancing started, I forgot about my negative thoughts and spent about two hours on the dance floor, making crazy moves on my 5 inches heels, ha-ha! Even DJ told me that my dancing was great!
Anyway, being single hurts. Especially if you are a sensitive woman. But I am lucky that I have awesome friends! I want to share things they do for me which make me happy. And if you have a single friend maybe you can do the same for them.
Here is my simple list:
1. Ask your single friend to help you with something. When you are single, sometimes it feels like your life have no purpose. And when we help others, it shows us that we have a meaning in life, that there are people who benefit from our existence. When we take care about people we love, we heal ourselves. So if you need help with something, reach out to your single friend and ask for help. It will be like a gift for your friend!
2. Encourage your friend to work on their hobbies. I absolutely love when my friends tell me that they check out my blog, when they watch my videos on my YouTube channel! It is so important to me. Their support helps me to keep doing what I am doing and to focus on things that I have a lot of control of.
3. Check on your friend. I personally don't like to complain and I don't walk around saying how horrible my life is. But it doesn't mean that I don't suffer. I just think that life is already kind of hard and, if I whine all the time and keep asking my friends why am I single, I will make it even worse. And I don't like to bother people too much. Most of my friends have families and their own problems. I try not to be too annoying. But I get extremely happy when they check on me. When they text something like, "You've been quiet, is everything okay?" These few words can make my day! It is so nice to know that there is someone who cares about you. So if you care about your single friend, text him or her, it will make them very happy!
In the end, I want to add very important thing. If your friend is not grateful for what you are doing for her, you have all rights to stop helping. If someone only complains about life and cannot notice all the beautiful things around her, you will not be able to help, no matter how hard you try. And it might be just a waste of your energy. If there is no gratitude, it is better to let go this friend and let him or her to figure the things out in a tough way. And please take care of yourself. The happier we are, the better we can help those we care about!
Thank you for reading my article!
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
From Dasha With Love!
Love Wins!