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7 Self-Care Tips

Hi my dear readers! I forgot to make a post today. I don't know how did it happen. I had a busy weekend I guess. And then I started to cook crepes... Oh well, a least I posted my video for todays post :-)

Here is the link: 7 Self-Care Tips.

I decided to list some things that can help to take care of yourself. It is so late that I want be able to right a lot of details. I apologize for that.

So here are my tips:

  1. Walking. I think we all know how many benefits it has for body and brain. And it helps to have a nice sleep.

  2. Exercising. I prefer to work out right after I walk in the morning. Otherwise I won't have time because of work.

  3. Cleaning or decluttering. When we have messy environment at home, we have messy mind. Cleaning can help to be more organized and it also helps to calm down and feel better about yourself.

  4. Reading. It is good for creativity and imagination.

  5. Baking. I know it is not super healthy, but we all might have some cravings. And it is better to bake something by yourself, than to buy processed candies.

  6. Hobby. It can be sewing, playing piano, tennis, learning new language. I heard the other day in one podcast with neuroscientist that it is better to do something that involves your body, not just brain. That is why playing musical instruments can be very helpful.

  7. Yoga Nidra. This meditation helps me a lot to fall asleep. You can find a lot of them online. I use Insight Timer meditation app, but you can even find some yoga nidra meditations on YouTube.

You don't have to wait for some stressful situation to come up in order to work on your self-care, you can start doing it now. Sometimes we expect other people to take care of us, and its okay, people should help each other. But please remember that you can do a lot for yourself by yourself!

I am sorry that this post is so short. Please watch my video if you want more details or send me a message. And I also encourage you to make your own self-care list based on your interests and opportunities.

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha With Love!

Love Wins!



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Chicago, IL, USA


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