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Books That Can Help To Overcome Difficulties

Hi darlings! I hope you are having a great time! Thanks a lot for stopping by my page 😊

Here is the link to the video for today's post: Books That Can Help To Overcome Difficulties.

I have been reading almost everyday lately. The weather is nice right now in Chicago and I have an opportunity to be outdoors a lot. And I absolutely love to read on the bench by my house or in the park. Besides, it is good for vision to spend two hours per day outdoors.

I heard a quote about reading, that I don’t really remember, but the idea was that life is too short to become wise by yourself, so you need to read other people’s books about their experiences in order to get more wisdom. I was always so lucky, because in my darkest moments life or God would handle me a great book that would help me to get through the challenges and learn something new that could make me stronger. And today I want to share with you three books that I find helpful when you feel like you need some additional strengths or comfort.

1. Harold Kushner “When Bad Things Happen to Good People”. When Harold’s son was three years old, he was diagnosed with serious disease and Harold was told that his son would die in his early teens. And when his son died, Harold wrote this book. He shared his story and stories of others. He is a rabbi and a lot of people ask him for help, for advice, so he knows a lot about suffering from his own experience and experiences of others. I found his book very comforting. He doesn’t judge, he doesn’t tell you that life should be perfect and if it is not, it is your fault, or God’s fault. And he suggests instead of asking why something bad happens, just ask God for help and comfort. Not torture yourself with trying to find the reason, but just ask for peace. And he says that in any situation God helps to find this peace. He cannot take away suffering from us completely. But when we do go through difficulties, he gives us everything we need in order to stay strong.

2. Anita Morris “Step Into It: Overcoming Trials That Lead to Purpose”. I found Anita through her amazing sewing tutorials. She is a great sewing teacher. But she also became my life teacher. Few years ago, she lost her husband due to brain cancer. And after he passed away, she didn’t give up. She didn’t blame God or doctors, or life. She trusted God and wrote a book that could help others to overcome their pain. She has shown that no matter what happens in life, we still can strive. Her book helped me to improve my own relationships with God. I feel very peaceful since I read Anita’s book. But even if you don’t believe in God, you still can find some great advices. For example, she talks about the importance of doing the hard thing. And I think this ability to do the hard thing can help a lot in overcoming life’s challenges.

3. David Goggins “Can’t Hurt Me”. David’s book is very honest. He shares the story of his difficult childhood, how his father was abusing him. He shares how hard for him was to study because of his learning disabilities, how he went through Hell Week when he was a navy seal. He ran a lot of ultra-marathons more than 100 miles long; he beat pull-ups world record. But he is not presenting his achievements as something easy, he honestly says that they costed him a lot of pain and suffering, he shares his failures, and how he still was pursuing his goals. In the end of his book he shares how he almost died and in this close to death experience he found peace and gratitude. And he says that pain opens the door to great achievements and to clarity. I can’t agree with him more!

These books are different. I would say that Harold’s book is the most comforting. Anita’s book is a bit tougher and David’s book can be good for someone who already passed the time of the shock of difficult event and is ready for a fight.

But I must say that these books have something in common, something that I want to highlight in this article. These books are not the books about victims. All these authors can present themselves as victims, but they didn’t. They are winners, no matter what happens in their lives. They don’t give up, don’t complain, don’t blame others or life, or God. They just get stronger and tougher. And through their challenges, they help others to strive, to become better.

Please, forget about victim mentality. Yes, life can be difficult, but if you complain and blame others, you are killing your potential, you waste your energy and take from yourself an opportunity to have a better life.

You are not a victim, you are a winner!

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha With Love!

Love Wins!



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