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Fear - false evidence appears real

Hi my dear readers!

This weekend I started to celebrate my birthday with my friends and didn’t have time to write an article.

I did record the video thou, here is the link: How I overcome my fears.

I will just share the idea that I learned from my therapist. He said that FEAR is an acronym of False Evidence Appears Real. I thought that it was a cool concept. Sometimes we are afraid of something that doesn’t exist and our brain tries to protect us, we waste our energy. It reminded me of a funny quote from Mark Twain who said, “I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”

I suggest to find out if your fears are related to something real and also in some situations let go of control and give it to God.

This is it from me for today. Sorry for such a short note. I will try to get better!

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha With Love!

Love Wins!


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