Illusions and Mistakes
Hello my darlings! I hope you are doing well! I am very happy with my life lately. I have been very busy with work. And now I will be even busier, ha-ha. But it's okay. Yesterday I got my hair colored platinum blonde (the picture is taken before my hair appointment). I am not sure that I got result that I wanted, but it was an interesting experience. And today I wanted to talk about experiences, mistakes and illusions.
Here is the link to the video for today's post: Illusions and Mistakes.
First of all I wanted to share some pictures.
On picture number one you can see white triangle, which doesn't really exist, on top of other figures. Brain tries to connect other figures and explain why they are not completed. In general we do like to create illusions and in everyday life we can tell ourselves some stories, which help us to make sense of the world around us. And because we don't know everything that happens in the world, we can be delusional. It is not bad, this is just the way our brains work. We just need to be aware of the fact that we have illusions. And this optical illusion of white triangle helps to realize how funny our thinking can be :-)
On picture number two you can see a vase in the center. Or you can see two faces, which are looking at each other. On picture number three you can see either a rabbit or a duck. I think it is very interesting that we can perceive the same picture in different ways.
Picture number four is my favorite. It is called "My Wife and My Mother In Law", because it shows two faces on the same picture. You can see the details, if you click this link: "My Wife And My Mother In Law".
I shared these examples because I think that it is interesting how brain works and what we can notice and what is hidden. Even if in the beginning we cannot see both ladies, for example, once you learned that there are two of them, you don't have to put efforts to see both faces.
Sometimes in life we make mistakes, because we cannot see the full picture, we don't have enough knowledge and we need to go through some unpleasant experiences in order to change the way we think and see the reality more clearly. So there is no point in getting upset when we make these mistakes, they help us to build new neuro-connections and to perfect our prefrontal cortex.
So please don't be too hard on yourself if you make a mistake, even if you repeat it again and again. Some life's tests require serious training in order to be passed. It is not easy to build new connections in brain and repetition of the same error is normal. We can practice playing piano again and again and we understand that it is okay to hit the wrong key. But we blame ourselves so hard sometimes for mistake at work or in relationships. But these mistakes happen because of the same lack of knowledge and experience, as errors in playing piano. Please be understanding and have self-compassion when you make a mistake next time! Be thankful for your errors because they help you to build a better life!
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
From Dasha With Love!
Love Wins!