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Information About Addiction

Hello my darlings! I have been so busy this weekend that didn't have a time to work on my article. But I feel like it is very important to keep working on my blog. So I decided to share a little bit of information rather to post nothing :-)

I recently watched two interviews of the same person on two different podcasts and I found them super useful. These interviews were with Dr. Anna Lembke, she is professor of psychiatry in Stanford. Here are the links to her interviews:

I also filmed my own video about my addiction: The Story Of My Addiction.

I think that the most important thing that I learned from Dr. Lembke is that every time we are chasing pleasures in order to avoid discomfort, we create even more pain in our brain. This is how dopamine system works. And this is why we become addicted and want more and more of some pleasant experience.

We have pleasure pain seesaw in our brain and for each item of pleasure, your brain adds the same amount of pain. And if we chase the pleasures all the time, we can end up losing any interest in life and have no excitement, because we will need to much pleasure in order to feel good and overcome our pain.

Right now my life is the most peaceful as it ever was. And it might sound boring for some people, but I really enjoy this calm state and I can feel that even little things can bring me joy. And this state I achieved by trying to avoid chasing pleasures. This helped me to restore my dopamine homeostasis and I don't need too much in order to be happy!

Try to focus on what you have right now, rather than running around and looking for short term pleasures that can destroy your dopamine homeostasis in a long run.

Please take care of yourself!

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha With Love!

Love Wins!



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Chicago, IL, USA


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