Little Reminders for Happiness
Hello my dear readers! Thank you for stopping by my blog post!
I feel bad that I haven't been very disciplined with my blog lately. I got so busy with work and I also decided to make a major decluttering of my closets. I have a lot going on right now and lost focus a little bit. But I believe that no matter how busy I am, I always find some time to take care of myself and my happiness! But sometimes we forget some little things that can affect our mood. So today I decided to write down three simple reminders that can help to stay more positive!
Here is the link to the video for today's post: Little reminders for happiness.
Meditation. It is proved by science that meditation in general can improve your life. It affects your focus, it can help to calm down faster, it keeps you from getting sucked into negative thinking and also serves us to see things the way they are and not to be dilutional. My favorite meditation is Calm - Ease meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh. You can just observe your breath and sensations within your body and try to be present. Neuroscientists recommend to meditate 17 minutes per day. I do my practice for 20 minutes every morning. At some point I got lazy and stopped this practice and became more stressed and upset. Now I know how important meditation is for me and I don't skip it anymore.
Learning new things. Life brings us a lot of opportunities. But are we prepared for them? Sometimes we can get a chance, but we lose it just because we were not ready. I don't like to chase anything, but I do like to make myself ready for new challenges, for new life's gifts. So I try to take different classes, read new books and learn from someone who knows more than I do. It makes me more optimistic and I feel like I take care of my future self. It is very helpful feeling!
Pause before reaction. I try my best not to reply to email or texts when I feel annoyed or upset. If I get email that I don't like, I wait until I become positive, loving, compassionate. I don't want to spread negativity. We already have enough. Sometimes it is hard to process some unpleasant news. But I believe that when you give yourself a little bit of time to understand the situation better, understand the needs of other person who sent unpleasant message, if you can see his struggles, you can reply with kindness, even if you didn't like what you got. When you share your positive attitude with others, it helps people to be more confident and next time they might be more productive and will send you less frustrating emails or texts :-)
These are my little reminders for today. I know it wasn't a lot, but it is Sunday! It is time to relax and just enjoy the day! I am wishing you a wonderful week and I hope you will take care of yourself!
Be Strong And Love Yourself!
From Dasha With Love!
Love Wins!