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My Favorite Rule

It is raining in Chicago. I went to the lake this morning and when I got home my feet were completely wet, ha-ha. It is still beautiful by the lake, I love it in any weather!

Here is the link to the video for today's post: My Favorite Rule.

Today I would like to share one quick idea that always helps me if I get stuck or scared. It's my favorite rule. Here it is:

Do whatever feels ring for you!

Yes, it is that simple. Sometimes we get lost and we don't know what to do. But I believe that deep inside we all know the answers. And we can do something that others won't approve, but if it feels right, we can still do it. But I want to say that there is a huge difference between "doing what is right" and "doing what is comfortable". And you know that, you know how you can lean towards comfort, but then feel guilty, feel like you haven't try your best. Of course no one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. But the biggest mistake is not the one that hurts you, this is what we usually think about mistakes, no, the biggest mistake is to do something against your "right thing".

When I think about my life I can say that sometimes I wasn't doing something logical and very beneficial from normal point of view. For example, I dated a man who didn't appreciate me. But when I was doing it, I was so productive, so motivated. This was the time when I learned how to be more disciplined and efficient. This painful experience helped me to grow, to become a better version on myself. It helped me to learn how to love myself and take care of myself. I would never be able to be the person I am now without this suffering I have been through when I was in difficult relationships. And even thou everyone was telling me that I was doing something stupid, deep inside I felt that it was the right thing and as a result I became stronger and wiser.

Only you can know what type of experience you need to go through in order to grow, to become a better version of yourself. You know all the answers. And the more you listen to yourself, the more trust you cultivate, the happier you become.

Pease take care of yourself!

Be Strong And Love Yourself!

From Dasha With Love

Love Wins!

PS: this photo is made by my friends, they were watching my YouTube video on TV :)



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Chicago, IL, USA


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